Michael B. Forte, Jr, Esq., DBA, CFE.


Mike is known as a problem solver. Matters are typically referred to him because of the difficult, complicated and/or novel issue involved.  Throughout his time practicing, Mike has represented both attorneys and judges associated with malpractice and civil rights violations.  Additionally, Mike has represented public officials, including mayors, board members and police officers accused of a myriad of alleged wrongs.  Mike’s matters have included heavy media coverage and large class actions with not only large dollar figures, but long-term political implications.

As a result of the recognition of his work, Mike has been appointed as a municipal court judge in Cranston and Tiverton and he has served as legal counsel to the Rhode Island Senate.  He has also taught at Roger Williams University since 2012 and, in 2021, he was appointed to be an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Business Law at Nichols College in Dudley, MA.

Mike’s primary caseload involves business advisory and litigation of business disputes, appointments as a Receiver by the Rhode Island Superior Court, appointments as an Arbitrator or Mediator, appellate litigation, practice in constitutional and government law and real estate.  Mike feels his varied practice matches his interests and skill sets.

Mike earned his Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration from Suffolk University.   He has also earned a Doctor of Business Administration from the University of Rhode Island.  His undergraduate degree was earned at Providence College.  He has been a Certified Fraud Examiner since 2011.